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About your stay

And Now For Some Really (Important but) Boring things:


Maximum Sleeping/Occupancy: The maximum number for vacationers in our Garden Apartment is 4 Persons and the Upper Cottage is 15 persons.  Babies count as people so yes, they do count in the maximum number.     Please note:  We operate on a trust-based system, meaning you trust us to provide a clean, family-friendly vacation home & we trust you to honor our maximum occupancy.  If you choose to exceed the maximum number of people, we will retain your security deposit.  This is because you are not operating on the same system of trust & we want to insure you do not come back. 


Check in / Check out: Your check-in time is at 2 PM.  Check out is at 10 AM.   If we are not at the home, please leave the key where you found it, in it’s prearranged spot or returned to the realtor.  Don't forget to put the beach tags with the keys in the boat where you found them.  We will be checking the home between stays.  Once checked and confirmed that you’ve left it the way you have found it, your security/cleaning deposit will be returned.


What we mean by "Clean Up":  Please leave our home the way that you found it, clean & swept, with trash put out, dishes put away, etc.  


Bed Linens & Towels: We do not provide bed linens, beach or bath towels.  There are service providers on the island who do.  Please Google this service for rates & payment information.


Beach Tags: We have left beach tags for your use.  The garden apt will have 2 and the Upper Cottage will have 6 beach tags.  Children 12 & above need to wear tags on the beach.  If one should break, please exchange it at a beach tag station for a new one.  If you should lose one or all of them, please replace it/them so that the next vacationer is able to enjoy them.  If a tag should go home with you, we will deduct the cost of the tag from your deposit so that the next vacationer has it to use on Saturday.


Wireless Internet:  We do provide wireless internet & will send you the password prior to your vacation.


Pets: Sorry no pets of any kind are allowed.  


Trash:  Trash is collected on Monday and Thursday, generally pretty early.  Please place your in-house trash outside in the cans by the night before and place the cans by the curb.  Would you also bring the cans back in after collection?


Outside shower & Grills:  These items are shared between the two units.  There are two grills and one shower.  Please use one grill & if the outside shower is in use, please don't try to share.


Ocean City recycles GLASS, PLASTIC & CANS as well as NEWSPAPERS.  Glass, plastic & cans can be commingled.  Please be kind and have as much of your trash collected (picked up) before your departure so that the cans are “empty” for the next person.  Thank you for your participation in saving the ecology!  We are fined if recycling is not done.  Your security or cleaning deposit will reflect that fine or the cost for sorting your trash if you choose not to participate in recycling.  


Children:  We have attempted to make the home “child-friendly” by adding the gate on the front porch but children still need to be watched.


Games & other items: We have left a few games, for your convenience.  Please do not take these items down to the beach or away from the house. 


Take Out Menus:  The Garden Apartment: Take out menus are located in the drawer of the microwave cart. Upper Cottage: Take out menus are in the dining room cabinet drawer. 


Smoking: For the comfort of everyone, we prefer that smoking be done outside.  PLEASE place the butts in the trash, not in the garden, or on the sidewalk.


Conserve Energy & Water: We’ve added central air for your convenience.  Please don’t turn the air down & open the windows.  Water in Ocean City is very costly.  To help us keep our rental pricing down, please do not leave water on while it is not being used (i.e. letting the shower warm up).  We have enclosed the outside shower to aid in water reduction.  Feel free to shower there, if you like. 


Have a wonderful vacation!

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